lovewhatyoudo“If you love what you do and are willing to do what it takes, it’s within your reach.”  Said Steve Wozniak the co-founder of Apple.  However, how many of us get up on a Monday morning and one of our very first thoughts are something in the realm of: “I hate Mondays.”  Then, four days go by and as you get up, your thought becomes: “Thank God, it’s Friday!”  Sound familiar?

There are however some blurred lines between what you really love and what is that you are required to do.  Also known as: work.

1.    Even though I absolutely love what I do and only wished that I had started doing it earlier, there still remains the fact that given a choice of doing this and spending another month or so in Mexico enjoying the warm sun, scorching beaches, and cold drinks, the choice becomes quite evident.  The expectation of being compensated separates work from play and the question of what you need to do and what you want to do.  The secret is making what you need to do, to be the what that you want to do.  Look for ways to make it play and you will never work a day in your life.  The end result is that Mondays and Fridays are simply days.

2.    The more you love what you do, the harder you will work at it.  There is another saying that goes: “Work hard and play hard.”  Therefore, if you are playing hard at work because you love it, the rewards and satisfaction that we get from that work leads directly to the success that you earn.  This may mean some late nights or weekends spent at work, or, is at play?  Loving what you do breeds success; which allows you to do what has to be done.

3.    Loving what you do leads to learning more about it.  Even if you think that it is impossible, we have to remember that no job is ever perfect.  There are always some setbacks, annoyances, or tasks that you don’t like doing.  Therefore, learning how to handle the setbacks and annoyances, makes what seems like work easier and more like play.  Read, attend workshops and get some training; these are just a few ways to get rid of those setbacks and annoyances.  As for the tasks; if you don’t like doing them, hire a virtual assistant to take care of them.  As Vince Lombardi stated: “You can never reach perfection, but if you strive for it, you can attain excellence.”  Once excellence is reached, everything becomes easier.

That is only three of the many reasons why I don’t hate Mondays nor celebrate Fridays because when it is all said and done, I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing and for that, I love doing what I do.

Are you in sales, or an entrepreneur, or even a business owner and would like to love or get your people to love what they do? Register The Action Suite!  This is where the talking stops and the doing gets done and where you will receive the knowledge, know-how, and the tools to make you more efficient, effective but more importantly, to be able to implement immediately.  When you become successful, it is a lot easier to love what you do, so that you don’t have to work anymore.

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