opinionPlato stated: “Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.”  How many times have these three simple words gotten you in a lot of trouble: “In my opinion”?  However, we all have them; opinions, that is, but we continue to get ourselves into difficulties if we express them.  Therefore, should we continue to give our opinion or not?  That all depends on how you frame the opinion.


8279249_origThere is a time in everyone’s life, and just not in their career, but in all facets of their life, where they hit what has been commonly referred to as the ‘barrier.’  This is the spot where a decision has to be made as to either stay where you are, or, go through, over, or, around it and explore the unknown.  In other words, to get out of your comfort zone.


Halfway ThereHere we are, at the midpoint of the year and I know that very soon I will start to have the dreaded ‘numbers’ conversations with some individuals.  It is truly amazing how many times I have this conversation and sadly, I have the conversation with some individuals on more than one occasion.  When will it finally sink in?


There-are-no-problemsNo, I have not gone to that magical kingdom filled with white fluffy clouds, rainbows, and unicorns.  If we look at the definition of the word problem; a matter or situation regarded as unwelcomed or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome, it would seem the situation is not only overwhelming but if not rectified immediately, could have some dire consequences.

Get Your Head In The Game

Get-your-head-in-the-gameThe best sales call you make, could be the one that you didn’t make.

Let me explain.  I was at a seminar recently hearing self-proclaimed experts in sales sharing their behaviors and techniques on how to be successful. Further, there were speeches on what one has to do; making cold calls, pre-call preparation, following-up etc., in order to be successful which is all good and well.  What was missing though was a discussion on the most important part of any sale, or, for that matter, all other events in life, and that is your attitude.