word-powerCommunication starts with someone uttering a single word.  Usually, this would cause the other person to respond, again using words.  However, as we all know, the words used have a lot of power.  Words can hurt, bring joy and inspire.  There is no business in this world that exists without the use of words to start it, continue it and yes, even end it.

The words we use in that business can make it successful or not.  Which words are you using to make sure that there is a desirable outcome for all involved?  After all, ‘words are free, it’s how you use them that may cost you.’


futureA couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in a bar/restaurant on a Saturday evening to watch my son play hockey.  When I walked in, I was struck by the fact that there was one bartender, one server and one person in the kitchen and that was two too many people working.  The only other patron was a young lady who was there to watch her husband play; he played for the opposition which created great banter back and forth between us.  I asked the server: “It’s kind of slow tonight.  What’s happened?”  Last year this place was packed and to get a seat to watch my son play was a challenge at the best of times.  The response from him was quite telling.


testimonial_origThere is nothing more powerful that the thought of another human being and yet, we do not harness that power to help us in the process towards our ultimate goals and success in our businesses.

I have been informed by a lot of my clients that what they would like to achieve is a level of value in their business, that if seen by a potential client, they would be convinced to work with them.  They want to know what they can do to achieve this quicker and easier than how they have been currently doing it.  There is a complete look of bewilderment when I tell them: “Absolutely nothing.”

… businesses are not using the easiest, fastest and best way to build the value… 

You know that you provide a great product and/or service.  You also know that you are a leader and expert in providing that service and/or product; however, you are not the person that can convince anyone else the value that you can bring to the table for them.  That job is left to those happy, satisfied and content clients that use your product and/or service.  The challenge that I see over and over again is that businesses are not using the easiest, fastest and best way to build the value in their businesses.

What am I trying to get at?  Testimonials!  Even though you can build the value of your business by yourself, there is nothing that builds that value quicker, more efficiently or with more certainty, than a testimonial.  These are people that are willing to tell the world just how great you really are.  If you say it, others may consider it as you are ‘pushing’ your product or service.  However, if others say exactly the same thing, then there is a ‘pulling’ through the process.  You are not bragging or being ‘full of yourself’.  You are letting others say just how ‘great’ you are.  There is a big difference.

There seems to be a question about how one gets others to talk about us and give us those valuable testimonials.  Here is a thought, simply ask.

It really is that simple.  If you know that you have provided a valuable product or service to someone, simply ask if they would be able to provide you with a testimonial about their experience in dealing with you.  You will be quite surprised how quickly they not only do it but how flattering the words they use are.  The next step is to make sure you have them handy and to take those testimonials and apply them to your marketing and campaigns.

My brochure is made up of over 50% testimonials and the remainder is about the programs and services that I offer along with my bio.  Clients that I have gotten as a result of the brochure tell me that it was because of the testimonials that they decided to work with me.  I have testimonials on all of my main social media platforms, as well a complete page on my website dedicated to those that tell the world what I have actually done for them.

When my clients get asked by prospects why they should buy their products or service, they are trained to say: “I am not saying that you should.  However, here are some that have and their experiences.”

Why speak for yourself when others can do a much better job.



new_orig“That will never work!”  said a member of my new program, The Action Suite, emphatically a couple of weeks ago. “Why?” was my only question. He came up with a merriet of excuses.  When he was finished, I simply asked: “What if it does work?”  This time he came up with some very positive outcomes to his business, but quickly dismissed them by saying: “But it will never work.”  The discussion came to an abrupt end when I stated: “Then prove me wrong.”


opinionPlato stated: “Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.”  How many times have these three simple words gotten you in a lot of trouble: “In my opinion”?  However, we all have them; opinions, that is, but we continue to get ourselves into difficulties if we express them.  Therefore, should we continue to give our opinion or not?  That all depends on how you frame the opinion.


you_origYou have a great product/service, of course you do, or why else would you be selling the product/service, but for some reason, you have been unable to get the traction that you thought you would have and you are now questioning whether it is really a good product/service.  It may not be your product/service; it may be you.